Tuesday, January 13, 2015



   To jump or not to jump, that is the question...at least when it comes to switching genres. There are so many schools of thoughts on this topic as to why you should or should not make that leap of faith. In fact there is so much other information out there, that even though this post is titled "genre jumping," it's not about what you should or should not do. Then what am I talking about? I'm sharing my own plans for genre jumping and the inspiration behind them.

As many of you know I jumped into the publishing world by writing paranormal romance- The Demi-god Daughters series that includes Goddess of Legend and Goddess by Chance. I do have definite plans to write a third in this series, Goddess by Surrender and possibly a 4th novel. My inspiration for the series came from a love of the Greek myths.

 I have also started another paranormal series- The Mermaids of Astaeria. Of the 3 books planned, 1.5 are complete. My inspiration for this series, Disney's The Little Mermaid and Splash. I love the paranormal genre and will probably always return to it. (Between you and me, I have at least 5 other standalone paranormal novels planned.)

As much as I love paranormal I also like variety and for that very reason I have branched out. My first mafia romance novel, Dirty Little Secrets recently sold to Samhain Publishing and I'm currently working on a follow up, Devious Little Lies. I tentatively have plans for 3 more mafia style books. Ever since I read about Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, and grew up to know who the infamous John Gotti was I've always been fascinated by the Mafia. I'm enjoying diving into this new genre and putting my spin on things, but I don't intend to stop here. I have plans.

I've written the first in what I hope to be a 5 book series called Fractured Fairytales where I put my own unique spin on some of the childhood fairytales I've grown up reading and watching. I can't wait to finish these and share them with the world.

Besides my fairytales I also have plans for a hot 4 book contemporary romance series following 4 cousins as they attempt to find love.

I also want to tackle writing a thriller and have one in the planning stages. Steve Berry and James Rollins are my inspirations for wanting to take a shot at this genre.

Moving right along, I have plans for a few novels in the romantic suspense genre. My inspiration for that is none other than the Lisa Jackson novels I've read.

And last but not least I want to write a historical novel and I have one outlined called, The Inheritance. After reading so many historical novels and researching my own family history I decided there was no reason I couldn't write this kind of story too.

So there you have it people, this author plans to genre jump and write in all the genres I love without fear, without worry. I love to read in all these genres I've named so why not take the leap of faith and create my own stories in them as well. So now that you've heard all of my crazy ideas and inspirations, tell me about you. Will you be making the leap of faith into another genre and if so which one?

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