Tuesday, August 20, 2013



      When I tell people that I am a writer, sometimes they ask, “What’s it like?” I admit that sometimes the question has left me a bit baffled myself. What is it like to be a writer? Is it any different from the other things that people do? After pondering things over, I came to realize that being a writer is a unique experience that only other writers can appreciate.
        A writer’s mind is constantly spinning with character ideas, plots, and fantastic endings. A writer’s mind never really rests.Even if you are not chained to your desk working on your novel, you are always thinking about it and how it could be better.
      At the same time, every writer is different. Many will not write a single word until every detail has been meticulously plotted. While others are “pantsers.” They sit down to write and allow the characters to dictate how the story goes. They never know what their story is going to shape up to be from one day until the next.
       Every writer is different, but many of us share the same experiences along the way. The excitement of diving into a new novel because you know the idea is stellar. The frustration of having writer’s block and having no idea what to write next. The joy of finishing your first novel. The realization that the work is not done and your masterpiece needs to be revised. The fear of waiting for responses from agents and publishers you’ve queried. The quiet sadness of having your idea  rejected, and ultimately the realization that you have a gift that needs to be shared with the world.
       So when someone asks me what it’s like to be a writer I can tell them, “It’s exciting. Terrifying. Frustrating. Rewarding. Enlightening. Most of all I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.”

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