It's been a while I know. I'm still alive and kicking. Life has just really gotten in the way of my artistic pursuits. I'm currently in school pursuing the completion of a Licensed Practical Nurse program and let me tell you requires massive testing everyday, which requires me to devote all of my little free time to studying. As a result I have not written anything since completing my 5th book back in August. So now that I've caught you up on the life that is no longer my own, let me get to the real reason for this post.
On the way to my dream of having my novel in print, in a store, I have experienced a major setback. My agent has been beyond impressive with the list of places she has sent my first novel in another paranormal romance series. I mean, majorly impressive. Unfortunately, everyone has passed on it. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. I thought (maybe naively) that having an agent would allow me to cross the final hurdle to my dream a lot faster. Apparently I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things and as I go on I learn.
So for now it seems my other paranormal series is back at the orphanage and out of prospects of finding a forever home. But maybe a miracle will happen. You never know what the future will bring. Either way I've learned that waiting is a very large part of life. A fact that I am also facing is that stories featuring people of color are an enormously hard sell to "the powers that be."
No, I'm not just blowing smoke out of my ass. Lately there has been a lot of pressure for my diverse books and while "some" have claimed that they rarely received novels featuring people of color, that is a flat out lie. I have met many fellow authors of color who have taken the plunge and submitted the traditional route with the same outcome as me: thanks but no thanks or no response. The truth is sadly that traditional publishing does not seem ready to open the doors up for more of us to come through anytime soon. But again, miracles do happen and maybe the second novel my agent has will have better luck. I can hope, but right now it is not the worry and source of constant stress it has been for me.
I find myself at peace. Just as there are people in the world who will never like and accept you for who you are, publishing is pretty much the same. You are blessed if you find your niche, but if you don't it is not the end of the world. If your dream is to write, then there are other avenues open out there to make that happen. I'm done spending all of my time trying to write to please "the powers that be." Instead I am returning to what worked for me when I first picked up a pen...writing for myself. That's right. I'm going to write the stories that I want. I'm going to submit to smaller publishers like I initially started out doing and I'm going to self publish. Enough of allowing others to dictate what I write. I have a gift and no one is going to tell me how to use it. So while I've had setbacks and some long delays, I'm going to continue moving forward and putting the stories I want to write out to the world, one way or another.
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